Steve Gonzales and Rhoda Bodzin in King Lear
Grown Crows
Crows isn’t just for the young! See some options below for those over 18.
The Upstart Readers
This is a reading performance group that includes not only young people, but adults as well. At present, we perform a three person dramatic read of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol each December (see the Readers page).
Crows close reading group
This is not a performance group, but an informal and fluid group of adults who meet weekly to read aloud and discuss whatever Shakespeare play the Upstart Crows have in production. Many are Crow relatives but not all, and no previous Shakespeare experience is necessary! No matter if you don’t want to read aloud—come along to hear it and join the discussion.
Amy Meilander and Quin Cooley-Winters in The Comedy of Errors
Shakespeare Gym
The Shakespeare Gym started as a place to get short scenes or portions of the plays on their feet to explore “fitting the action to the word”. Since then members (a combination of local Shakespeare enthusiasts, actors, Shakespeare Readers, and Crows adult family members) have become more ambitious and added full plays to their performance repertoire. Anyone interested in dipping their toes into the invigorating waters of Shakespeare are welcome to join these workshops.
Past workshops and productions include:
Summer 2017 : The Language of Twelfth Night.
Fall 2018: Scenes from King Lear and King Henry IV, Part 1. Workshop with Ben Crystal.
Fall 2019: Scenes from Hamlet and Measure for Measure at The Swan.
Summer 2020: Scenes from Othello (plus Shut-in Shakespeare videos)
Summer 2021: Twelfth Night at UU Santa Fe.
Fall 2022: Scenes from Shakespeare's Histories One day dramatic reading projects to work out with Shakespeare's language, relationship dynamics, and "small parts".
2023: King Lear (with Upstart Crows) in honor of Itai Rosen Performances in June. 2024: The Comedy of Errors (performs May 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
August 28 - Rhetoric - scenes from King Henry IV, Part 1, Richard Il, and King John.
September 24 - Relationships - scenes from King Henry IV,
Part 1, Richard Ill, and Richard II
October 22 "no small parts" - scenes from Richard Il, King John, and King Henry IV, Part 1
2024: The Comedy of Errors - two casts at the Crows’ Nest May 23-26.
For more information, contact