Thanks to our grant from the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission, we were able to reprise our late winter production, Macbeth, for 350 students from the Academy for Technology and the Classics and Mandela International School. We had English students who had just read the play, Theater students, and 8th and 10th graders who were delighted to see some of their classmates on the stage swinging steel, walking on table tops with ghosts, and consorting with Wyrd Sisters!
We've been hearing from teachers and students who attended and are glad that they were as inspired and impressed as we were with the performances. Something rather wonderful happened in the interim between the end of the production in January and the reprises - the language and meaning had become even clearer to the actors. I sat up in the light booth actually blown away by what I was seeing and hearing. Huzzah for the Crows!
We already have dates booked for next year's schools shows. We'll be performing As You Like It in 2019 for students on Tuesday, January 29, 12:30 - 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 30, 9:30 a.m. - noon p.m. and Thursday, January 31, 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. at El Museo Cultural. If you are a teacher or know one who might like to attend, let them know about the shows!